
The American Empire in a Changing World


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

'1 Million Workers. 90 Million iPhones. 17 Suicides. Who’s to Blame?'


"In America, we have wrestled with the idea of divine sanction since the country’s inception. Some of us believe we have a God-given dominion over the earth; others argue that we’re bound to a larger Gaian system and are, at our best, caretakers.
My heart is with the caretakers. But I believe that humankind made a subconscious collective bargain at the dawn of the industrial age to trade the resources of our planet for the chance to escape it. We live in the transitional age between that decision and its conclusion.
In this middle age, the West built a middle class. It’s now eroding and may be less enduring than theAmerican Dream itself—a dream we exported to the rest of the world by culture and conquest. Nevertheless, most Americans have food, cars, gadgets. How can we begrudge a single person these luxuries if we want them ourselves?" it here

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