
The American Empire in a Changing World


Saturday, April 16, 2011

'China flexes its muscles'


"So what are China's ambitions? The short answer is no one in the West is completely certain.
Michael Thwaites, who has served as New Zealand Ambassador to China, cautions that trying to read China is a fraught and complex task.
"My strong view (and it's the view of most China-watchers in the West) is that China does not have malevolent strategic objectives and does not pose a security threat to the West."
The former diplomat expects that relations with China will get harder, not easier.
New Zealand, he suggests, may come under enormous pressure to take sides against China, given the alarm that China's rise has triggered in some Western capitals. Trouble, he fears, lies down this path, because it is hardly the way to encourage China's leadership to engage with the global community" it here

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