
The American Empire in a Changing World


Sunday, September 25, 2011

'Land Grabs in Africa Usher in a New Form of Colonialism'

from epoch times.......

"Much like in the 19th century, when European colonial powers expropriated Africa’s rich mineral resources, pushing the local people onto marginal land, today foreign governments and wealthycorporations are staking out vast plots of arable land across the warm continent in a form of second colonization. 

“I see no reason why land grabbing should be any different from oil, diamonds, etc., in this regard. Local people will lose their land, and their source of food,” wrote John Ashworth, adviser from the Sudan Ecumenical Forum, via email.

Facing a future where domestic resources will not be able to provide for their populations, investors from countries such as China, Saudi Arabia, India, South Korea, and Qatar are seeking land elsewhere to establish plantations for rice and other staples in African nations like Ethiopia, Sudan, Tanzania, Kenya, and Mali".............READ MORE

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