
The American Empire in a Changing World


Friday, August 17, 2012

''Agenda 21: What I’ve Learned''

From Prairie Advocate
By Lynn Kocal

''Time and again, history demonstrates that only with property rights, and that includes your most basic property, yourself, can individuals be free and remain free. Just study John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau and the outcomes of the social experiments following each of their philosophies. Rousseau’s “social contract” of giving up personal liberties for the collective has ended in tyranny as the European Union’s totalitarian process presently shows.

The United States is following closely behind, recently following this deranged philosophy and instituting the President’s Council on Sustainable Development, White House Rural Council, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and many other federal initiatives. These initiatives have driven power from state and local governments to a small federal elite and their corporate cronies. Insidious, it works from within our own communities to ultimately undermine them. Our elected representatives have acquiesced their rightful power to agencies and abandoned doing their jobs. Instead, they take the easy path of following “party-line” or “expert” advice rather than one of common sense and conscience.''

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