
The American Empire in a Changing World


Thursday, May 10, 2012

''State Dept Whining for More Money for Their Arab Spring Trouble-making''

From 'There are no Sunglasses'

“On the one hand, we could disengage, and wait, and see what happens. On the other hand, we could engage pro-actively and seek to shape outcomes that are more favorable to our interests.”

''[To pretend that we are serving democracy and furthering human rights, while all we are really doing is taking control of events and shaping them to US advantage is hypocritical and completely immoral.  If we were really interested in the people's rights and not in our self-declared right to intervene in the affairs of foreign states, then we would be seeking to protect those interests and not to further our own.  Diplomats have an uncanny knack for making the most foul-smelling lies appear to be as savory as sugar.]''

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