
The American Empire in a Changing World


Sunday, June 26, 2011

'Inside GOP, a foreign policy war has resurfaced'

war, what is it good for.............from coshoctontribune......

"Sen. John McCain has not been able to keep his vow of staying out of the 2012 presidential primaries, but that is only a subplot to a larger foreign policy debate that has broken out inside his Republican Party. 

Actually, broken out might be the wrong phrase. Resurfaced might be more accurate. With no GOP president in the White House and, consequently, no Republican foreign policy to defend, historic fissures have reappeared between interventionists such as McCain, who see democracy as a prime export and projection of American power an essential guarantor of peace and freedom at home; fiscal conservatives, who perennially question spending on foreign affairs, particularly now, during a budget crisis; and isolationists, who think America has no business in others' affairs if it is not a direct threat to the homeland"................READ MORE

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