
The American Empire in a Changing World


Sunday, June 26, 2011

'The Rise of the Anti Hegemon'

from dont tread on me.......

"The Petro Dollar is the basis for our entire way of life. Our whole economy is derived around the ability for almost all of the world’s oil being sold in our currency. This is done because our Military Industrial Complex controls,overtly or covertly,all of the major oil producing nations. And the areas we do not control,we control the seas that transport that oil. This economic trade is funneled through the Anglo-American financial centers of New York and London. The increased need for these dollars allows the United States the privilege to print the world’s reserve currency. This allows us fund the further domination of the world through our corporations and military. We have not been good stewards of our power and have committed crimes against humanity. While we are fed at home a constant diet of flag waving propaganda,the rest of the world get death and debt. (Read Remember This…)

The Petro Dollar is coming to a mathematical and inevitable end. On one side,there is peak oil,which is the very noticeable end to cheap abundant oil. The other side is the our debt based monetary system’s need for constant expansion of debt in order to function. Exponential money hits a finite world. We are at the nexus of these two events and the collapse is inevitable. Instead of realizing this inevitability and preparing for a more sustainable way of life starting with our money,the Anglo American elite set forth to conquer the world.
“Control the oil and you can control entire Continents. Control food and you control people.”Henry Kissinger
The first attempt to correct this inevitable end was the Bilderberg concocted,Henry Kissinger led,oil shocks of the 70′s. After the United States defaulted on the dollar and closed the gold window in 1971,the Anglo American Elite had Henry Kissinger establish the Petro Dollar by creating an “oil shock”in 1973. The idea was to have the Arabs raise the price of oil 400% and then recirculate that money back into the Anglo-American banking system to reinvest in stocks and bonds. (Didn’t it always seem a little odd that that Arabs were punishing the great Satan but then investing all of their money with us?) For his action,Henry Kissinger won the Nobel Peace prize"............LINK

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