
The American Empire in a Changing World


Friday, September 21, 2012

Great Quote: ''Why are we in a collapse?''

From UK-Collapse
Quote from Peter Joseph

"As of now, the world financial system is on the brink of collapse due to it’s own shortcomings.

The comptroller of currencies stated in 2003 that the interest on the US national debt will not be affordable in less than ten years. This theoretically means total bankruptcy for the US economy and it’s implications for the world are immense.
In turn the fractional reserve based monetary system is reaching it’s theoretical limits of expansion and the banking failures you are seeing are just the beginning. This is why inflation is skyrocketing, debt is at record levels and the government and FED are hemorrhaging new money to bailout the corrupt system. For the only way to keep the banks going is by making more money. The only way to make more money is to create  more debt and inflation. It is simply a matter of time before the tables turn and no one is willing to make new loans while defaults grow as people are unable to afford their current loans. Then the expansion of money will stop and contraction will begin on a scale never before seen. Ending a century long pyramid scheme.
This has already begun".  [Peter Joseph]

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